Starbuck’s Secret menu has all kinds of wild and crazy drinks! From the purple frappuccino, to the dragon frappuccino, to the witch’s brew frappuccino to the razzle dazzle frappuccino, Starbucks purple drinks will give you all the heart eyes.
We always love our classic original Starbucks drinks like java chip frappuccino and caramel macchiatos, but sometimes you need to spice it up and tap into Starbuck’s secret menu.

For this occasion it was a hot day and we didn’t need a massive amount of caffeine, so we tapped into a secret Starbucks tea drink.
That’s right, the Starbucks purple frappuccino doesn’t have any coffee or espresso in it, it’s one of Starbucks’ secret menu refreshers.
The purple drink frappuccino is fruity, creamy, and super Instagrammable! Also, adding berries to the drink is a tasty addition most don’t even know is available.

Purple Frappuccino Recipe
Directions to give your Starbucks Barista:
- Scoop of blackberries
- Passion Starbucks iced tea
- Soy milk (or coconut milk)
- Vanilla syrup
- Whipped cream (if you need an added sugar blast)
- Coconut shreds (if you like coconut as much as we do)

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